Musicians playing gigs can now use YouTube for Live Streaming and Google+ Hangouts On Air if your account is verified, regardless of number of followers.
The YouTube live video service has been in a “beta” mode for the last year, with selected accounts in specific categories like music, gaming, sports, Now you can live stream on YouTube given the facility for live streams. The service was extended to accounts with at least 100 followers in August of this year. Before that, the limit was 1,000 followers.
YouTube says all verified accounts in good standing are now eligible, regardless of the number of followers. In a related move further knitting together YouTube and Google+, you can now launch a Google+ Hangout from YouTube’s Live Events manager. For smaller channels, this roll out will open up additional means of connecting more directly with fans with live streaming over the next few weeks. You can check your YouTube account feature page or look for Live Events to be added to your Video Manager.
Note that you must have a verified account and be in good standing for this to happen. So you’ll need to attend to those matters first.
The YouTube Live Events manager will also now allow you to launch a Google+ Hangout On Air centralizing your live event management. The world’s biggest video platform is getting in on the game, letting users both announce live streams in advance as well as push live video feeds to the world on a whim. In 2014, YouTube will be a very different website.
For more on what you can do with YouTube live streaming, check out this post by Emil Protalinski.